Selvinnsikt - et eksempel

Selvinnsikt og feedback - et eksempel

"A couple of years ago, we met with the leadership team of a mid-size law firm to review their recent personality assessment results. On one particular assessment where high scores are undesirable, the managing partner scored in the 99th percentile. Everyone else was considerably lower. The managing partner looked at this score and remarked, “I knew I was high, but I didn’t know I was that high.” Other members of the team exchanged uncomfortable glances. “Does this mean that I ram stuff home at meetings?” the managing partner asked. “Do I highjack meetings? Why didn’t someone tell me?” The others looked at their shoes.

This man has a blind spot. Many people suspect they are high or low on specific attributes, but no one knows until they assess it. Personality feedback helps individuals understand themselves. Once this managing partner understood his own tendencies and their impact on others, he was able to act like less of a tyrannical maniac and more like a benevolent despot…still not an ideal leadership style perhaps but an improvement for him and his team".
Why we do the things we do?  
Results from the Hogan Assessment Project of Lawyer Personality
by Jeff Foster, Larry Richard, Lisa Rohrer and Mark Sirkin
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